Gospel of John - A Study (Starting September 8th)

John started to follow Jesus when he was a teenager and hundreds of years later his book still introduces Jesus to the world.

Join Bill Hull in the Parish Hall on Sundays, from 9:15am-10:15am as he continues his study through the Gospel according to St. John.


The Athanasian Creed - A Study (Starting September 8th)

One aspect of our Christian formation is the conforming of our minds to God, and we do this by contemplating God who is revealed to us in creation and scripture and is preached by the universal church. This contemplation is the task of theology, and its purpose is the praise and worship of the one true God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Join Marilyn Melzian in the Community Room on Sundays, from 9:15am-10:15am, for a six-week study through the Athanasian Creed.